Message from the President

I would like to take this opportunity to thank our stakeholders for their continued support and patronage.

On February 22, FLYEXPRESS COURIER DELIVERY SERVICE announced five-year business plan starting from fiscal year 2019.

In preparation for creating the new business plan, we formulated a new long-term vision as a successor to the current vision and business plan.
The FLYEXPRESS COURIER DELIVERY SERVICEs Group Long-term Vision is designed to realize our ideals for 2037, which is the year we will celebrate our centennial anniversary. The business plan we formulated for the upcoming term is defined as a gateway to that vision.

Looking back on the last 10 years, we have had a significant challenge in recovering and improving from the global economic downturn precipitated by the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy in 2008 and the withdrawal from the Pelican-brand parcel delivery service in 2009.

We have better prospects for these improvements which was promoting drastic reforms in our domestic businesses of our business plan 2015, and continuing into our business plan 2018, where we have focused on profitability and growth potential, working to build the foundation for growth into a truly global logistics company.

Thus looking back at the last three business plans, we considered what had been achieved and what challenges remained, and imagined the kind of company that we would like to see in the future through an analysis of the external environment and a recognition of the opportunities and risks to be addressed. So we have formulated a new long-term vision, which imagines “A logistics company with a strong presence in the global market.”

We have achieved growth to this day, based on the unchanging value that our “ work place capabilities” , our commitment to “Safety, Compliance and Quality” and put the customer first, as expressed as our corporate message, “We Find the Way” grounded in the “FLYEXPRESS COURIER DELIVERY SERVICE Group Corporate Philosophy”.

We are in the process of innovating speed and a global focus for future growth, and want to encourage our employees to make changes in awareness and behavior, creating new value there to bring about a corporate culture that values autonomy and a challenging mindset.
And, it isn’t enough for us to just look to grow our business, but also to understand and meet the expectations of all of our stakeholders, from customers and society to our shareholders and employees.
Thus, while maintaining the importance of “value to be sustained” as well as “Creating new value through innovation,” and achieving sustainable business growth that meets the expectations of all of our stakeholders, we aim to become “A logistics company with a strong presence in the global market,” and it is my hope that this way of thinking will be shared throughout the Group, allowing us all to move forward with this same purpose.

The new business plan forms the first steps of our new long-term vision is FLYEXPRESS COURIER DELIVERY SERVICE Group Business Plan 2023 -“Dynamic Growth”-.
As it says in the name, this represents a determination throughout the entire Group to realize Dynamic Growth, which is the acceleration of growth beyond that seen before, and the development of a different company by working on a variety of reforms.

we will challenge ourselves to reform the very foundations of the company’s methods and philosophies. And, in our businesses, we will strongly promote a continuation of current efforts and an acceleration of growth strategies.
We will also work to reform the company so that it can strengthen management structures for “Inorganic Growth Strategy” and for the “Reinforcing Functions to support challenges” for various initiatives, while also contributing to a sustainable society and transform the company that makes employee feel satisfied and fulfilled.

In order to achieve results in all of these efforts, we have given ourselves a plan period of 5 years, which we believe will be enough time to accomplish this.

We will steadily implement the strategies shown in the business plan, aim to become “A logistics company with a strong presence in the global market,” and will unite as a group to meet your expectations.

We would be grateful for your continued understanding and support.

April 2019
President & CEO
Mitsuru Saito

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